1:32 – 54mm JSM Single Heads

A selection of the latest JSM individual 54mm heads are now being released. As many people will recognize, they are all combinations of the existing 3D designs which were released during 2017/18 as busts and figure. I will try and add to this collection as soon as new designs become available. Thoughts are already being considered to start a small batch in 1/35th scale. Any opinions on this subject would be much appreciated.

Below is a selection of the older heads, produced without the aid of 3D technology.

SH33 - Balmoral Bonnet - 5th Seaforth Highlanders (Territorial Infantry)SH31 - 54mm Head - Chasseurs Alpine (Goatee)SH32 - 54mm Head - Kepi (Full Beard)SH24 - 54mm Head - Kepi M14SH29 - 54mm Head - Landsturm (Goatee)SH30 - 54mm Head - LandsturmSH26 - 54mm Head - Chasseurs Aplins (Beard)SH28 - 54mm Head - Gaede HelmetSH27 - 54mm Head - Field Cap - Gas MaskSH23 - 54mm Head - Atillerie SpecialSH25 - 54mm Head - Chasseurs AlpinsSH19 1SH21 1SH22 1SH18 1SH08SH16DSC02582DSC02625SH10 - 54mm Head - German Field Cap M1910

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